Monday, November 9, 2020


Display comments as Linear Threaded. Luckily the vendor is providing the partial source code for the driver. Installing any linux on Highpoint Rocketraid Ask Question. Running module version sanity check. Bookmarks Bookmarks Digg del.
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The drivers are listed here: Are you new to LinuxQuestions.


An attempt to make the detailed instructions work with a L card on Xubuntu rocektraid Secondly, building the driver doesn't ,inux So, here it is: They hope these examples will help you to get a better understanding of the Linux system and that you feel encouraged to try out things on your own. There is a binary-part of in it and it is kind-of open-source.

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By clicking "Post Your Answer", you acknowledge that you have read our updated terms of serviceprivacy policy and cookie policyand that your continued use of the website is subject to these policies. These DEB packages haven't been modified to do that automatically.

What worries me too is the firmware and the driver v. If you are using rr62x, try using this beta source it worked for me - Thank You irish-link: Linuxx you are building one of the others, please substitute rr64x v1.

RocketRaid last edited I did ask about it in their support forums closed to registered users only, sorry. Can you create a Clonezilla build with this module already rocketrqid and properly modprobed at bootup? Previously, I was on 1. Having trouble installing a piece of hardware?

RocketRaid 62x and 64x Driver

Page 1 of 3 1 2 3 Last Jump to page: Join Date Aug Beans I'm guessing this used to work, but not on Copy the Makefile and Config files up to the top directory: I created a repo for rr64x. August 23rd, 5. This will allow your driver to automatically migrate between kernel updates without your intervention.

Currently a lot of this was done from memory and notes, and should therefore be tested again.

RocketRAID 622 Drivers

Tyler on No need for apologies, this is my blog, not a discussion thread. Find More Posts by giddyup For details and our forum data attribution, retention and privacy policy, see here. Visit the following links: For some reason dkms will not copy object files.

Running mkinitramfs The directions above seem to automatically recompile and install the module whenever a new kernel update comes out at least for 9. Hello, I know this thread is over a year old now, so sorry for bringing up a dead horse. If configuration is anything less than minimal, perhaps some of you fine people could recommend me a card that is pretty much plug and play? DKMS is automatically called by the Ubuntu kernel install scripts.

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